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Just tell them? I don't see why woman are so afraid to say it. Tip: Don't ask them in less than a week of knowing them, it will trip them out, unless they are WAY too into you -Chris

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Q: How to tell a guy you want to be in a relationship with them?
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Be nice and tell him 'I'm not ready to have a serious relationship yet' Been there, done that

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If you know him well enough and want a relationship with him go for it. If your not sure tell him you don't want to be in a relationship right now. Good luck :)

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You simply tell him you don't want to continue the relationship, but still want to be friends.

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just tell him and he will tell you how he feels. Just not by his friend or he will say something different

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You just say it. Don't ever beat around the bush, most girls want to know these things. I am a girl and if a guy were to miss me but i was in a relationship, i would still want him to tell me.

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Only if the guy is willing to tell her about his y relationship.

What to tell a girl you interested in?

Tell her you are interested in her. If you want to show it and build a real relationship though you should seek to spend time with her. Talk to her. Be a good guy for her.

Facts to tell a guy about yourself?

It depends on the type of relationship you have with him and the type of relationship you want to have with him. At any rate you should probably worry about being the best person that you can be instead of procedure-alizing how to have a relationship.

How do you tell a guy its over?

when your alone or somewhere private just tell him the truth and say why you want to stop the relationship. If you still like the guy and want to be friends then tell him that but if he reacts badly just give him some time to get over it and try acting more like friends again.

What to do if a guy says he doesn't feel like he's putting enough feeling in your relationship and you kind of want to rekindle your relationship and make him care again and want you again?

You shouldn't be shy, tell him how you feel. If he truly cares he will give more effort on his part of relationship. Or maybe he's a shy guy.

How can you tell if a guy who seems to want to get to know you is interested in a friendship or a relationship?

just talk to him normally, and I think with time you will figure out on your own!

How can you get a guy to want a relationship?

I'm sorry but you cannot. A guy, like a girl, can only want a relationship when the time is right for the individual. Patience.