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If you mean talk to someone who isn't shy, just be yourself because if they don't like you for who you are, don't bother talking to them. If you mean, how to talk to someone without being shy, just think of how useless being shy is having to hide yourself from the whole world. As I said, if they don't like you for who you are, don't bother talking to them. I hope I helped. :)

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Q: How to talk with ANYONE without shy?
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How do you kno your shy?

when you hide or cant talk to anyone new.

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he's shy and he likes you. if he can't talk to you, but can hold your gaze, he's trying to talk through his eyes. try to figure out what he's saying.

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just talk to the people you do not know and if you do not know anyone then just walk around and make friends there is no reason to be shy

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Shy boys have their enthusiasms, which may be for certain kinds of books, music, movies, video games, even athletics (although athletics are more often associated with people who are not that shy). What is he enthusiastic about? That's what you should talk about.

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by getting to no her/him.

Is she too shy to talk?

Maybe I mean a lot of girls are too shy to talk. But it depends on who the she is.

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just go ahead and talk to him. if he is shy talking to you.

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Shes probably to shy to talk to you, maybe unsure what to talk about or how to start a conversation without having the feeling like its completely random. If she asks for you shes probably interested in you no doubt.

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it depend sometime they so shy they wont even up to the girl and talk to her if you want you can go and talk to him

To be a shy person is?

To be a shy person is that that person does not talk that much

How do you get a girl to like me when im to shy to talk to her?

Talk to her