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I don't know what kind of question this is, but okay. Get everybody she knows to right down something great about her. My old teacher said that one time one of her students was going to kill herself, but she got this long list of great things about her, and she realized how much she was needed.

I am goin through it right now and my friend HATES her parents and they hate her i really like her and i couldn't live with myself if she kills herself soooo wat i did was: first pull a titanic. I said that if she killed herself i would follow her and do th same and that got her to think. Next i siad reasons y she should live. she is good at Trumpet, dancing, she is smart, she is one of th most beautiful girls i no, and i stated all the things she is good at. The next one really got her to think. I mensioned famous ppl that changed th world and had a bad child hood. I mensioned Oprah Winfry and it really got her to think. Her response was "I wont be able to change the world" and my resopnce was "How do you no someone has to do it and it doesnt have to be th world it could be a town, comunity, or even just a family". Finally i mentioned that it is a sin and u get a one way ticket strait to th hot place and i said that it would get many people depresed and that could lead to them killing themselves too. I said "would i really spend 2 hours talking to you trying to stop you from killing yourself" it was really automatic for me i solve many people's problems.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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Salem Spicer

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βˆ™ 2y ago
My friend is trying to hang or shot herself right now at 11:45
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βˆ™ 13y ago

You know, that is a really good question! I suppose it depends, for one, why is your best friend depressed? Find that out and then see where those bad feelings can be replaced with good ones! Life needs balance. If one area of a person's life is lacking it is usually made up in another area. The sadness or depression and suicidal feelings your best friend is feeling is being brought about by something. I know it can be more complicated, but sometimes, simple distractions from the parts of life that are causing sadness can help. For instance, shopping, going out with friends, exercise, getting enough sleep, getting too much sleep, and things like that. Find something that distracts your friend from these thoughts and then talk to them about how to fix it. Maybe counseling if it's really serious, and if this is something that the people that are around your friend everyday are not aware of, and I mean the people who care, that are close, then they should probably know for safety's sake.

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Q: How to stop a best friend from killing herself?
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How do you stop friend from killing herself?

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