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  • You can't make anyone do what they do not want to do. If you are searching to have an affair with a married woman then it means you are playing games; possibly cheating on your own mate (married or single) and do not care who you hurt in the process. If you have met a married woman and you love her then consider it 'forbidden fruit' (someone else's true love) and start looking for single women.
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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

first off talk to him, be social but you cant really make someone fall in love with you. all you can do is be yourself and a major thing, don't try to become who you believe he wants you to be because then he isn't in love with you.. basically he is just in love with the idea of you and may find someone else who is what he wants and needs, because that girl is just herself.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Unless you're the person he's married to, don't bother. They say women who date married men shouldn't wear mascara. Why? Because of all the time you'll spend crying. For starters, who's he going to be with on New Year's? Christmas? his birthday? your birthday? Maybe you'll get lucky on your birthday.

Stick to guys who are actually free to fall in love with you, and you'll be saving three people a world of grief. ---- WoW first of all, is he married to you? You can not make anyone fall in love with you. That is something that just has to happen no matter how many times you use sex to try to guide him in. Don't try to break up his marriage thinking that he will just fall into your lap either. as far as his marriage and you are concerned you are a fishing buddy that he can visit and mess with . . . . he can get some and you change the sheets the next morning by yourself.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

To make your husband love you means you have to love yourself first.

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Q: How to make married man fall for you?
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He doesn't want to get married yet I guess

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There are several reasons why someone would fall for a married man. A woman may see how he treats his wife and start to like him based on that. A woman may also spend a lot of time with a certain married man and develop feelings for him.

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Trying to forget someone you have loved is one thing, let alone fallling in love with a married man. You must decide for yourself, what is good for you.