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For as deeply as you felt for them, that's how deep the pain will hurt and the longer it will last, so be ready for a hard ride.

So, cry, be upset, scream into a pillow, punch a pillow, let out your negative emotions in a safe manner, but let them out.

You may feel guilty or blame them, but never feel the need ti dish out punishment on yourself or them.

Find things to preoccupy your time, but steer clear of things you two enjoyed together so you don't open unhealed wounds.

Don't focus on being somber through the whole day , and keep in mind you'll move on from it sooner or later.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Answer: All I can say is that I've been through it, and it is not the greatest feeling!

You just need to get over them. Don't kill yourself over it, emotionally or physically. You'll come to understand that there are so many people out there and it's not worth dwelling over.

Here are some things to get your mind of them:

  • Hangout with your friends
  • Listen to your favorite music
  • Talk to your family about it
  • Flirt with other people you really like!

Answer: No matter how hard you try you will NEVER get over someone. You have cared for them so much and you'll never be able just to let it all go. That doesn't mean that you can't move on. The pain and love may still exist, but it may just be a minor thing and may barely affect your life in the long run of it. That's how it is with me right now. You may think they are the only person out there for you but that's not right at all. There are so many people out there. Take a chance. You only have one life to live. Don't linger on one person who may never love you back. Go out there and live...time heals, but not fully. All we can do as humans is move along, or else your life will pass before you even realize it is. I know it sounds depressing but its true. Good luck.

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14y ago

Sleep. That's what I did. Sleep, take a bath, try and get to the point that you can feel something again. You will be depressed, so cry it out, and then you will get angry. Really angry more than likely, so find something inanimate to take it out on. I punched a hole in my wall, so I don't recommend that, so I started writing to try and get all of the emotions out and over time it helped greatly. Time is key. It sucks, but there's no handbook to tell us how to deal with these things. It's different for every person, so you will have to find out specifically how to deal with your situation. Best of luck. You can do it. :)

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13y ago

Ok first of all you should get rid of everything that reminds you of him or her . Then try to get a new style possibly hang out with a few friendz go n have a laugh lauhter is the best medicine Look at new girls or boys remind ur self that u rnow free n u dont need him anymore or u dont need her also dont frget that u can now mingle as much as u want he or she cant hold u back u see a fine guy go n flirt same as wit girls u can also now be wat eve u want to e u now dont have to wrry about having to impress them or wrry about doing somethings that u never even liked n just did them fr her or him

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13y ago

You should have:

  • Tissues for blowing your nose and wiping your tears on hand.
  • Food to keep your mind on positive, tasty things. (don't go overboard though)
  • Friends and family for support.
  • Patience because it may be awhile before you are truly over it.
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14y ago

The whole point of the way you are feeling is to feel that way, otherwise the relationship would have been meaningless. Nature has a way of dealing with these things, though: wait. It may take as much as 6 months, but the pain will disappear.

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13y ago

If he broke up with you. Don't worry. There are about 3.3 billion men/guys

on this planet. He wasn't the right one. Just rember that there is that perfect guy out there somewhere. He must be blind because im sure you beautiful, so he dint see what he had. Just think what you have to look forward to. Don't look back go on strait forward. Have faint memories from the past. But don't let the future fly past you because you arnt paiing attention

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8y ago

The best advice is to focus on other things. Try to find other people to help, books to read, movies to watch... things that you can get immersed in that don't remind you of the other person. Get to know other people, try to act normal, and breathe. It won't happen all at once. It takes time, but if you focus on other things and do the best you can do for other people, you will start learning to be okay on your own again.

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9y ago

To get over a break up situation you should not listen sad songs first. Avoid remembering old times , it'll make you cry . Also try to go out with your friends.

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