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It's very difficult to forget about a partner that has cheated on you, but it can be done. I wouldn't suggest jumping into the arms of another man too soon, because if a relationship develops, it will be a relationship built on spite. It is never a good idea to initiate a relationship with a new person just because you are hurting. Try to surround yourself with friends, and talk to them about what happened. Your friends can probably help you forget about him just enough, to where you can go out and have a good time.

When you have a relationship with someone, and they betray your trust, it hurts. For a while it may seem like you simply don't know how to live your life without that person in it. The easiest way to forget about them is to stop talking to them. Don't go places or put yourself into situations where you are forced to remember that person.

Try not to involve yourself with mutual friends, just for a while, because that can lead to a bunch of "he said, she said, you said", which you do not need.

If you stay in a relationship with someone who has cheated on you, your trust for that person will never be the same. It is always best to make a clean break. And always remember, relationships that develop out of infidelity, more than likely will end out of infidelity. If you hooked up with your boyfriend while he was in a relationship with someone else, there is a more than 50% chance he will cheat on you.

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16y ago

Probably won't forget, can only forgive. Don't know that I could. Didn't forgive first husband.

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