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It's a more civilized way of saying "an eye for an eye".

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Tit for Tat - 1916 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U

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Tit for Tat - 1921 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U

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The cast of Tit for Tat - 1913 includes: Beverly Bayne

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Tit for Tat - 1935 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G USA:Approved USA:Passed (National Board of Review)

What actors and actresses appeared in Tit for Tat - 1917?

The cast of Tit for Tat - 1917 includes: Herbert Brenon Charles Eldridge Ethel Grandin

What is the Cockney rhyming slang for a hat?

Titfer. As in tit fer tat, or to non-Cockneys, tit for tat, meaning to pay back some kind of wrong.

How did the phrase tit for tat originate -?

This phrase tit for tat is believed to be a corruption of tip for tap, which meant "a blow for a blow."

What actors and actresses appeared in Tit for Tat - 1920?

The cast of Tit for Tat - 1920 includes: Neely Edwards as Ferdie Hugh Fay as Percy Sidney Smith

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Tit for Tat - 2009 The Booby Scare - 1.1 was released on: USA:29 September 2009

What makes Barack Obama a good community organizer?

Understanding how the tit-for-tat mechanics of the Chicago Political Machine works .

What does 'tit for tat' mean?

It means you're going to repay whatever they did with something similar. For example, if somebody ate your cupcake without asking, you could eat their pie and say "tit for tat"