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"ME AND MY SHADOW!" That's exactly true! He'll be trying his very best to be in plain sight when you are around and be as good as he can be. He'll probably try to please you and be a real good boy. Anyone can make one mistake and although I don't blame you for mistrusting him right now (he has broken that trust with you) he does deserve another chance. You just never know if you'd be in a situation of cheating as he was. Most of us never think this could happen to us, but given the right circumstances and the maturity level of the person it's possible.

If he is sneaking phone calls, going off to another room while talking on the phone, working a lot of late nights or not turning up at home until late then I would say you have much to be concerned about.


From the moment the affairs is been discovered, your life will never be the same anymore. It doesn't matter if it's you or your husband who had the affairs, nothing will be normal anymore between the two of you. You are the only one who can read or notice the action of your husband. But for others, and I will include myself, few things I notied from the man I married, he stop hiding his cell phone, he moved his office desk back to our study room, he stop signing out off his computer, he started calling on the phone again just to say what time he got in to work. But the truth is it doesn't really matter all the changes his showing me, if he wants to do it again, he will find the way no matter what...

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Q: How should your husband act if he is truly over his affair?
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Should your husband tell his coworker that their emotional affair is over?

If it is yes most definately.

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You do not tell your husband's girlfriend's employer anything. The employer is a businessman and is not interested in the private affairs of his employees unless it interferes with their work performance. It should be your husband you are going after and if you feel the relationship is over then file for divorce. Your husband is the one that started this affair because he either provoked the affair or he could have said 'no' if she suggested having an affair with him. Put the blame where it belongs ... your husband!

Can I make my husband pay for a divorce if he is having an affair?

you can actually sue him and the chick he's affair with. Also I don't suggest a divorce. You promised to God that you are married with ONE person and I suggest going to marriage counselor before and start over and hopefully your husband wont go back to his ways and see you as the good woman you truly are.

How do you know the affair is truly over?

When the contact has diminished or been rare, avoidance and lack of any contact in general.

How do you overcome an affair?

If the affair is over then you should forget it. Put it behind you and hopefully never repeat it.

How can you keep your husband from seeing the woman he cheated with now that the affair is over?

That's his responsibility. If he is still seeing her, the affair is not over. You can't control your husband. A spouse has the right to the respect, loyalty and faithfulness of their partner. If your husband can't control his behavior then you need to assess your status as his wife and whether you want your present situation to continue. Are you better off with him or without him?

I had a cyber affair. Now its over my husband stopped calling me. Why?

Having an affair can be emotionally devastating for one's spouse. So, it is not surprising that a person's spouse would ignore them after they learned of an affair. To make a marriage work following infidelity, both parties need to be willing to work it out, and they should likely attend couple's therapy.

Which is better to accept your husband admitting his affair to you or you discovering it?

It is much better if the husband admits to his affair because it shows he has remorse and humans make mistakes, but when a husband has the intestinal fortitude to admit he was wrong in what he did then he is ready to try and make the marriage work. A husband who has to be caught in an affair may even become angry over the fact his wife found out and he is neither remorseful and basically selfish not considering the hurt he is inflicting on his wife and family.

Does your husband expect his wife to just forgive and forget that she caught him in a 3 year affair when he tells her to either get over it or get on?

Time to end the marriage and move on to someone who will be a real husband.

Is your marriage worth saving when husband will not tell you about his affair even though you have evidence of a two year affair Told you to just get over it and move on?

I think you should be patient and take your time steadily with him. He wil eventually let out on you. If not i guess hes either not trusting you. Or doesnt feel like talking about it

Can you face and overcome the emotional roadblock of your husband affair so you can heal?

u can over come anything if u put your mind to it :)

Why do we blame the other woman when its our husbands who pursue and start it all?

You are wise by asking the question, "Why do women blame the other woman when it is the husband who pursues and starts it all.' Too many women are so jealous over the 'other women' they forget that their husband has started the affair and it is the husband they should be going after and not the other woman. It's a turf war ... single women or even married women that start an affair with another woman's husband is heads up for a real war. The husband sits idly by and secretly I do believe that most men who have affairs on their wives enjoy two women fighting over him. Smart women have it out with the husband and do not bother with the other woman.