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  • You should cool off before you make the decision to walk away from your friend. Like any other relationship in your life friendships will have their ups and down too, but good friends forgive most of the time and are mature enough to communicate. A person just doesn't walk away from a friend because of a difference of opinion and they should never let a young man come between their friendship. If you cool off and still want to walk away from the friendship then tell your friend you want to meet them somewhere and be calm; communicate why you want to terminate the friendship and walk away.
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Q: How should you tell your so called friend that you do not want to be her friend again?
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I think that if this person is a true friend your feeling for one another should surpass whatever you are going through.

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Just tell them to get along again. Or tell them without their friend, this wouldn't have happened. Or if this includes you, apologize. It's never too late!

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Just tell her why you were mad and why you want her back (as a friend)

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tell my friend sorry and tell the truth

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