You act like yourself, because if a guy is with YOU then he likes YOU and should act like YOU. Its okay to act somewhat awkward or nervous around a bf, that's normal.
No matter what, DO NOT act like you miss him.
act the way you are
be yourself!
cause they want to act cool
Don't act in front of him/her if they don't like you for who you are then why should you care for them?
I think you guys should kiss in front of your friendsso that when its all over, it wont be as awkward
You should carry on about your day regular. And when you call him later on act as if you missed him, whether you did or not.
I wouldn't. Guys are not going to stop talking to you because you have a boyfriend. If they act like they want to go out with you, just let them know you have a boyfriend.
just act normal, and casual, or you can just tell her if you have the guts!!
You may feel uncomfortable because you feel self conscious about yourself and you think that your boyfriend will think you are a pig if you eat in front of him. My advice to you is to realize that if you do not feel comfortable eating in front of your boyfriend, you need to address this problem or risk the full relationship. If you can't eat in front of your boyfriend, chances are you may not be compatible. Love is supposed to feel good, and if you are anxious about this you should talk to your boyfriend about it or just tell yourself that it is OK for you to eat in front of him. If he won't let you eat in front of him, then the chances it will be a serious relationship are slim to none.
Either get a new boyfriend that loves you for who you are, or change the way you act to one that your boyfriend likes better.
Well, break up with him; or take a break. He shouldn't act that way with you. Then, if it was special, go and get the necklace fixed. You need to show your boyfriend that you do not like to be treated that way, and that until he calms down his act you need some time off.