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probably in sixth grade Most kids will start to want to have a "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" when they around the age of 10-12, this is because what they start watching on tv shows and their friends start learning about it. most of these relationships are harmless and nothing happens and you should not discourage your child from wanting to do so. However a serious relationship usually does not appear until 14-16, which is in most peoples oppinion the proper age for teens to start dating. if you care about your child get to know the person they are 'dating' and make them feel comfortable about talking about it, joke about it, or talk about it like its 'not a big deal' they are dating (this will make it easier for them to talk to you) most kids are embarrassed when they start dating, because they are admitting now that they like boys/girls and they dont have cooties anymore. Really talk to your children about the importance of their body and not to have sex because many kids from the age of 13-15 have sex and im sure you dont want your children doing that.

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15y ago
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15y ago

Well, there isn't really a age where you can actually start having a boyfriend or girlfriend the most popular age is 15-17 when you start having proper relationships but, some children have boyfriends at the age of 5 which is way to young.

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15y ago

If you are over 13 you can have a boyfriend but if you are under 13 you have to get parents permission

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12y ago

It really depends on each individual person, but the average age is about sixteen from my sources.

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14y ago

I think 13 because that is a teen age

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14y ago

16 is a good age

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Q: How old shoud you be to have a girl friend?
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or even you shoud first talk to him and say why are you dating my sister when you are dating me.if he says something like she is a sexy girl . she is HOT!!!!!!!or even you dont have the sexual ability to fill my shoud dump him but give a second chance talk to him about it

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Get a boy friend

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If you do not like him then yes, you should.

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