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A gerbil basicly needs the same as a hamster but a bit more. I think it gose in a glass terarium with sand i think. But bascily a bit more then a hamster.

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How much money do you have to pay for a gerbil to get shots?

Gerbils don't need shots.

How do Gerbil drink water?

Not much In human portions not alot. But a gerbil will drink as much as it can.

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What kind of food does a gerbil need?

Gerbil muisli or if there is not any hamster food.

Do seizures kill the gerbil?

Not always. Most seizures are harmless and your gerbil may get better in no time. After a seizure, you should put its tank in a dark, quiet space. If they have had long or multiple seizures, keep them in that space and try not to let anything make the gerbil stressed.

What is cheaper a guinea pig or gerbil?

a gerbil is cheaper as its much smaller and cleaner

How much bedding do you put in a gerbil's cage?

the fatter the gerbil, the thicker the bedding.

How much does a gerbil cost at petsmart?

A gerbil will cost about 10-20 dollars.

How often should you wash a gerbil?

you don't need to if you have another gerbil because they clean each other :)

How much space does a client need to do static stretches?

not that much space..

What are the release dates for Homeboys in Outer Space - 1996 The Adventures of Ratman and Gerbil or Holy Homeboys in Outer Space 1-21?

Homeboys in Outer Space - 1996 The Adventures of Ratman and Gerbil or Holy Homeboys in Outer Space 1-21 was released on: USA: 13 May 1997

How much should an adult gerbil weigh?

Average adult gerbil weighs about 2.5 oz