it really depends on the guy. Some guys go through life sleeping with only one person, others sleep with as many as they can get.
In my personal experience (im 22) and ive had 7, and my roomate who is also 22 has had 10
There is no way to get a straight answer on this.
This being in the Teen Dating section, I will say: no. No underage anyone should have sex. This will have terrible reprecussions on your life, and if you are considering going out with someone who has had sex or has a reputation for it, at the absolute least be extremely careful.
If this is guys trying to get other guys to have sex, then just say no.
Generally, while any loss of esteem for saying no will stay within your group, news that you did it will spread throughout school or the community.
hmm i think around 10 for women and 15-20 for a guy
Men and women would sleep separately and their bedrooms would be on opposite sides of the house. Usually women and children would be upstairs along with the gynaikon(the women's gathering room) while men would sleep down stairs.
They can sleep in whatever they want just as women can.
better question... why do married men sleep with anyone who is not their wife?
In Americans aged 30-60 years, obstructive sleep apnea affects nearly one in four men and one in 10 women; men are twice as likely as women to have sleep apnea.
For birth control.
Yes, a man who finds other men attractive is gay. If you still sleep with women and find it arousing and enjoyable, then you bisexual.
Yellow Men Sleep has 343 pages.
Because men always sleep around and nobody says anything but women are called sluts if they do. Sorry!
This is a common stereotype in our society which has little or nothing to do with the actual person. Our society/culture says women should not be sleeping around with a lot of men, but only those she really is in love with. Thus, when she does have sex with a few men society brands her as a slut. For men, society expects men to sleep with many women and not care about who they are with. Therefore, when they sleep around with many women it is normal. Men want sex and are much more willing to do what it takes to get it. Women, commonly, are more reserved and will reject many men before saying yes to that "lucky guy". This is why men are considered "cool" when they have sex with many women because they are thought of as having the "skills" to convince women to sleep with them. I think that those things could play a part, but I think that the reason women are called sluts and men congratulated is that in most mammals the role of the man in sex is to pass on his DNA to as many things as possible and the role of the woman in sex is to pick the strongest DNA and let it pass on. However, if she sleeps with many men then the likelihood of weaker DNA being passed on increases and subconsciously we don't like that.
I've read a survey before that men sleep with on average 7.9 woman in their lifetime and women sleep with 8.2 men on average