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I usually text my best male friend maybe one a day or once every two days... and sometimes just once a week just to check he's okayy =0) Just text him whenever you want to have a conversation with someone, there isn't a limit on how often you can text someone-its up to you =0)

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Q: How many times should you text your best friend if he is a boy?
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What if a guy you like likes your best friend?

well ive had this happen to me many times. if this guy is aware that you like him, its not right for him to like your best friend. i know he probably cant help it, but that's not right. if he doesnt know you like him, but your friend does, she should be a good friend and not bother with him.

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it is unlimited you can have as many best friends as you want but there should always be one main best friend.

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I'm not quite shore if many people do hate their ex best friend. you should obviously not be best friends but also have respect of the, (sorry about this), the good times, (groan) If they are someones EX best friend then they must have done something wrong to make the person fall out with them and call them their ex best friend. It is worse when ur best friend does something bad to you than someone else because they were supposed top be your best friend and you were meant to be able to trust them.

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if you're close once a day if not the 2 times a week

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it sounds like shes not really your friend. if she were a real friend she never would have done that. you should still forgive her though, everybody deserves to be forgiven. maybe not hangout with her but, ya. Good luck, and keep waiting. you'll find the right guy.

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you should leave your old best friend alone and meet other people. trust, there are many people that need friends

I love a guy but my best friend likes him. What should I do?

Just explain how you feel to your friend and go after him, it can be difficult but try and convince her your the best friend in the world then tell her i think you should tell her and both of you should talk about it sometimes there are more options then just that boy there's many boys out there. if you really love the guy and your friend has a crush on him then you should tell her that and hope that shes okay because if she is your best friend you don't want to lose a best friend. If she was your bestest friend, she would understand. You should handle it like an adult and talk it out. Usually one of y'all will agree one of you should ask him. Just don't fight. Fighting can ruin a perfectlt good relationship.

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My dignity and self respect is more important than another person,so I wuld more on and wait for a healthier relationship.

An paragraph on how to describe your best friend example?

Say good things about your best friend that are true. Example: My best friend is a helpful and encouraging person. She motivates me when I feel like I have lost hope and inspires me when I lack vigour.

How many times do you and you friend battles?


How many times is the word Friend or Dear Friend mentioned in the Bible?

Dear friend: phrase appears 0 times in the Bible Friend: appears 53 times in 49 verses in the King James Bible

How many times can you give a friend an item on howrse. And can you give your friend a horse. If so.. HOW?

You can give your friend an item on howrse as many times as you want! You can give your friend a horse but only on the private sales. Hope this helped...