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Q: How many times over the last five years have you known about friends or family members stealing but you chose not to confront them?
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He was a petty thief and conman, stealing from and manipulating family members and and friends

What are the causes of stealing?

Some of the causes of stealing are because of jealousy and envy. This is present in most children. Another cause is because there is a lack of something. Perhaps, it is lack of love, encouragement or caring of friends and family members. Some kids steal because their family members do and that influences them.

What are issues that you have to confront when doing business with family members and friends?

Some issues people run into when they go into business with their family are financial issues and the inability to agree with each other. These problems bleed over into their family life and cause problems.

How often has friends or family members stole something but you chose not to confront them?

Family members stealing is more common than one thinks and sometimes it is by a young person including teens. Sometimes it is an adult relative. Siblings who are adults with older parents may steal something of value for fear one of the other siblings may get it first. No matter how one looks at it that is stealing! Unless you catch the person in the act you cannot prove they stole anything even if you are fairly sure they are capable of it. If you know they stole something and saw them do it then that is when you should have confronted them.

What do we need to do to get an intervention for a family member?

You'll want to gather up only the person's closest friends and family members (people who he or she doesn't know well should not be present). Confront the person in a comfortable area for them and be very straight forward about your intentions.

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celebritys buisnesses company models family members friends celebritys buisnesses company models family members friends

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like friends

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Friends, family members, or teammates can increase the likelihood of you reaching your goals because they can keep you motivated.

Why did Pharaoh's marry their family members?

So that the royal blood would stay in the family and not be mixed with others which would be "impure".

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Mostly by family members and friends.

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because the family had lost members and friends

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Usually my family members.