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This is a figure that cannot be calculated, but experts say that the divorce rate for same-sex married couples is lower than that for heterosexual married couples.

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Q: How many same-sex couples stay together?
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There are many hotels around Diamond Harbour and Pailan which offer cheap rates for short time stay for unmarried couples. Starts from Rs.400, these hotels are free from any troubles.

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If a married couple is separated, then they should always live apart.

Can famous couples stay togethor for a long time?

well i think they do stay together for a long time because they become a role model for other couples..... and also helps them to be a centre of attraction......... in a crowd of billion+ A few couples who stayed together at least 50 years are Paul Newman and Joann Woodward,Jimmy Stewart and his wife,Ronald Regan and his wife Nancy Davis there are so many more. Marriage is hard and its hard work,people nowadays give up to easily.

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yes but depending on the campus they will either let you stay in a house off campus or live in seperate dorms

If you are 16 and you are both strict on the dating thing is it possible that when you both say that you believe that you are going to spend the rest of your life together that it could happen?

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Where is the best place to stay in Vegas for couples?

MGM or The Belogio

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newts can stay together

Why are friendships ruined when they sleep with each other?

Its because they cant always stay together, when they think they are in love, and the make love sometime it helps the relationship between friends or couples or it just destroys it.

How do you stay with your man?

ANSWER:Good question, how? work the relationship together, never hide anything from each others, love each others, always be passionate to each others, always give what your love desires and vice versa. There are tons of way for couples to be happy, and stay together, all we have to do is do it, show it, and most of all be there for each others.

Do swinger couples stay together?

Yes, people that fully understand each other desires and appetites, who communicate completely and honestly, and who have and follow their agreed upon rules for interaction tend to stay together for the duration. Admittedly there are those couples that go thir separate ways, but in my expereince the few times that has happened, and it wasn't due to someone not doing as said previously, it was typicaly a mutual agreement to move on. Sometimes things happen, peoples attitudes and appetites may change, and either the other person can change with them, or they cant. it's not really different than monogomous couples.