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"Real" parents are the parents who love and care for a child. So, adoptive parents are a child's real parents. If you are talking about returning to birth parents, this rarely happens. There are many processes in place to make sure that the best interests of the child are honored. This means a "forever family" that is formed by adoption. The parent-child bond is formed both emotionally and legally. Some families keep close ties between adoptive families and birth parents, and everyone can live happily with this arrangement if it is what is best for the child.

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Everyone is curious and wants to know about, How they were adopted. And you have to let them know. It is not safe or healthy for you to keep there life a secret. Most kids who have seen there biological parents are okay and don't look for them, but those who don't know are more likely to try to find there parents.

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Some adoption agencies have strict rules about child information releases. In other cases it is very easy for the parent or child to learn each others identity.

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Q: How many adopted children look for birth parents?
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What percentage of adopted children look for birth parents?

As an adopted child I'll let you know what I believe. All children THINK they want to meet their biological parents. And I'm not just saying it- but they ALL THINK they do. And if it doesn't put the child in danger and you've warned them about the consequences- then you gotta let them learn. I learned the hard way, but I learned for myself and don't resent my parents because they let ME choose. I guarantee for the most part they will change their minds and come crawling back to you

Why do some children look like Asian even though their parents are not Asian?

because their adopted -LIKE-

Can an adopted child gain the right to look for their birth parents when get to a certain age?

Yes, once you're 18 you have the right to look for your birth parents. Your parents aren't under any obligation to help you though. If your current parents are willing, they may help you earlier than that.

Should children have the right to see there birth parents?

well i certainly think so if i found out i was adopted and my legal guardians were not my birth parents i would wanna ask where my birth parents are and why they put me up for adoption or what happend so they had to p.s i dont even think my dad really is my birth father i really think my birth father is my uncle i have so many attributes as him my mother always says i look like him

What is the easiest way for an adopted person to find their birth parents?

If u know there last names then you could look them up on either Facebook or google Contact the adoption agency for information on your parents.

Step son's birth certificate has no parents names on it could he have been adopted?

amended birth certificates which are issued after the finalization of adoption vary in details from state to state. Although I have never seen one without ANY parents names on it, i wouldn't surprise me. They usually try and make it look authentic though so the adoptee sometimes doesn't even know they are adopted. Can you ask him? Mine lists my adoptive parents as my parents, there is no attending physcians signature, no time of birth or birth details like length, weight, etc. very minimal details. Very annoying. Can you ask your husband if he was adopted?

What is the difference between adoption and foster care?

Foster care is a situation where children are treated and cared for as a member of a family but they are legally a ward of the state and may retain a connection with their birth parents. Adoption means that you take on the name of and become a legal child to the people that have adopted you.

Do people who are adopted have the legal right to know who their biological parents are?

Yes they have a right to know. There are many Pro's like seeing what you actually look like beside them, meeting them for the first time, hearing their voices, spending time you lost together. However there are many Cons like, people fake to be the right person, they don't want to know who you are, you look nothing like them, they have drug addiction, alcohol addiction anything. But it is better to find out than it just being a dream. Hope that is enough for you.

How do you start looking for your kids that was adopted in Georgia?

If they were adopted you must've signed papers so look at them and find the adoptive agency. Or try your medical journals. Unless the children are adults though, you are not allowed to contact them without their parents permission.

Why and how did you get adopted?

You get adopted because your real parents couldn't look after you so they put you in a care home until someone comes along and becomes your foster parents an adopts you

What is foster family?

A foster family is when a child who is in a foster home is fostered. Children in foster homes are children who have parents that are too busy to look after them, ill with a serious illness or have died. People can foster a child and look after a child ( a bit like adopting) but most of the time their parents are still alive so the child can't be adopted but can be fostered. The children can still see their parents and people they met at their foster home.

Do pandas look like their parents at birth?
