I'm sorry i can't tell you the exact number :). but what i can tell you is that people have different personalities. Maybe he or she has an unusualy sensitive personality. If it is tantrums over not getting what they want, however, is probably just an immaturity problem. He or she will probably soon grow out of it. but try not to give in to the demands. Let the child know that his tantrums wont get him what he wants anymore.
Yes, healthy 5 year olds will cry when upset or hurt.
I'm gussing he does because they don't cry and whine unlike 7 year olds
Yes, if they are tired or irritable. Or if the water is to hot.
One-year-olds cry frequently because it is their main way of communicating their needs and feelings since they are not yet able to express themselves verbally. Crying is their way of getting attention, seeking comfort, or expressing discomfort or frustration.
i bet many 10yr olds cried because Michael Jackson died but if your talking about his daughter Paris, she did cry and she is actually 11 yrs old
I don't think it's a good idea... please don't. But if it's for a good purpose try making a fake spider and put it on his/her door. If it's a girl she'll probably cry...
Aphrodite's love, adonnis, was very connected with the myrtle tree. My English teacher is a pain and made two 14 year olds cry
It's not bad - parental choice. As long as the kid doesn't eat it as they wouldn't find it very nice, and would probably cry.
A 5 year old may cry a lot because they can't talk correctly. If something changes and they cry, they may actually have autism. This is not something that is guaranteed.
take giant dumps, smoke weed, and cry all night long
You can get a baby girl Mia to cry by waking her up or annoying her. Many babies do not like their feet touched, if you touch her toes then she may begin to cry.