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It all depends on the process you choose to hold a Permanent Residency card. A good recommendation would be to have an Immigration Lawyer assist you with the application process. Although expensive, the legal assistance is well worth the time and money you will be spending. And depending on the US Citizenship and Immigration Services' workload, a minimum of 8-10 months would be required for the entire process to be completed and for you to hold your Permanent Residency card. If you choose to go about it on your own, the process might become lengthy, overwhelming and frustrating.

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I have my turist visa still valid, I got married to a US resident in 2007 now I want for him to make a petition so I can get my US residency too. Does anybody know how long does it take after he fills the petition for me to obtein the US residency¿

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Q: How long takes after you get married to a us resident for you to get your residency?
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