There is no set amount of time one should live with their boyfriend before getting a proposal. This is a subject a person should discuss with their boyfriend.
i think that if a girl says that you should ask your boyfriend first before beliveing it
If you are hanged out with another guy, you have no boyfriend anymore. You should have told him before, not afterwards.
you can ask him what he likes and get him somthing related to that my boyfriend is getting me a hoodie
You know your your boyfriend should back off when he starts to get over-possessive or starts touching you wrong.
you should talk to your boyfriend face to face and ask him why he lied. then you should ask him if he wants to still be together. Remember part of a relashonship is getting through problems together!
By asking this question, you've answered it. You obviously do not feel comfortable with the prospect of moving in with him prior to a marriage proposal. Follow your feelings. Additionally, beware if he's pressuring you to move in. No relationship is healthy if ultimatums are prevalent and your comfort is not.
at least 16
Just being fat should not stop you from getting a boyfriend, if he sees that you are a smart girl and attractive then there should be no problem finding a boy.
Getting a boyfriend is always a personal choice. Don't feel pressured into getting one, wait for a suitable chap.
It is a discussion you should both have before you decide to marry.
Tell him you love him. But that you both need to wait until you finish your education and are old enough to be married to accept his proposal.