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Only males have sperm. There is no such thing as female sperm.

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Q: How long for female sperm to reach egg?
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Can sperm reach a female egg through her swallowing it?

No, but she can receive or give STDs.

Why is sperm quality important for fertilisation?

If the sperm are not "healthy" or present in enough numbers they will will not have the ability to reach and female egg and then penetrate and fertilize then egg.

When sperm reach the oviduct there is no egg what happens to the sperm?

If there is no egg present in the oviduct when the sperm arrive, the sperm will typically die off and be naturally cleared from the body. They have a limited lifespan and cannot survive for long periods within the female reproductive system without encountering an egg for fertilization.

How does sperm reach an egg of a ladybug?

The eggs are fertilized before the female lays them, when she mates. The sperm swims to the eggs to fertilize them.

How long does a human sperm travel to the egg?

It takes sperm approximately 30 minutes to 12 hours to reach and fertilize an egg after ejaculation. The journey depends on factors such as the distance between the cervix and the egg, as well as the quality and motility of the sperm.

Where does sperm cells go to get a female preangat?

Sperm cells are deposited into the female reproductive system during sexual intercourse, usually through the vagina. The sperm cells then travel through the cervix and into the uterus, where they can potentially fertilize an egg in the fallopian tubes.

How does sperm successfully fertilize an egg?

Sperm successfully fertilizes an egg by swimming through the female reproductive tract to reach the egg in the fallopian tube. The sperm releases enzymes to break through the egg's outer layer, allowing one sperm to penetrate and merge with the egg's genetic material. This fusion forms a zygote, which eventually develops into an embryo.

What does the female egg do?

The purpose of the female egg is to reproduce. If a sperm joins an egg, a baby results.

Why do sperm need a tail?

Sperm need a tail for motility, which allows them to swim towards the egg for fertilization. The tail, also known as a flagellum, propels the sperm through the female reproductive tract to reach and penetrate the egg.

When sperm reach oviduct there no egg there what happen to the sperm?

the sperm just die

How long does it take the sperm to meet the egg?

Sperm can typically survive in the female reproductive tract for up to five days. After intercourse, it usually takes a sperm around 6-12 hours to reach the fallopian tubes where fertilization of the egg can occur if timing is right.

Can sperm still fertilize an egg without the tubes?

No, sperm must travel through the fallopian tubes to reach and fertilize an egg. Without the tubes, the sperm cannot reach the egg for fertilization to occur.