You shouldn't be having sex at all if you are asking that question.
Not just because of that unless he has underlying reasons not known to us. As long as he can masturbate he can stay healthy. There are people who do not have sex, they are known as asexuals.
a relationsip between two lesbians is the same as a relationship between a man and a women, its just the sex is a little different.
If your man treats you well and is a good father to your daughter and the sex is good and you get enough sex with him, I would say stay with him.
A woman would stay with a man because women are generally more emotionally attached than physically. Most women think that good sex is a plus in a relationship, second to love, and not a necessity.
have sex with his woman or man.
Depending on the man. Sometime is religious to or sometimes men just don't want to stay with women who wait for sex until committed relationship. it's depending on the man, since each man has different personality.
They do sell male enhancement products that could help.
AVG 7 days
1/2 hour
It can be. Back in the times of the Knights in England, one of the main codes of a Knight was the Courtly Love in which the Knight praised and loved the lady from a distance and the lady was to stay out of reach and pure. Love is a tricky thing. Men usually find sex and love two completely different things. It really depends on your view of love. True love endures. When a man and woman are married for a long time, sex becomes less and less important in their relationship. It comes to a point where sex is no more but love, true love, goes on and on. Sex is a passion. Love is love. We truly love our children without sex. We truly love our parents without sex. Love is love.
Kiss his neck, just below his ear.