Princesses is a part of the society it is just that she is chosen as the leader she is different from normal people.
normal sports have many different people that play it
You spelled it right - princesses
NO! They are normal people with normal lives, just different culture.
There are like 3 different princesses, which one?
no its actually the same but in international grips can be different then normal
No. But different people have different sleep requirements.
Yes, princesses do vomit.
The two princesses are Adelina (Addie) and Meryl.
the people would die
Princesses get so pretty because they are usually made up to be pretty. Real princesses have many people who work long and hard to make sure the princesse's make up and hair look good before she leaves her home.
They can't be trusted.
There were no "princesses " in the Bible. A few queens.