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I am having that problem now, I caught my wife in Dec 2010, it started from texting and carried on to an a full blown affair, we have three kids and she has everything any women would love to have, but she chose the wrong path and went with it for 17 months until she got caught. When I asked her why she did this, she says I don't know and that pisses me off. The only reason why I am allowing her to stay in the same house and me not leaving is for the sake of the kids as they love the both of us very much and I love them just as much, as for my wife I can't speak on her behalf but I can say this if she claims to love them and my self as she says now, then where was all this love for us at the time of the affair. They way I treat her now is like a piece of meat, when ever I need sex I go to her I would never step out on her although the thought of it comes and goes, but I don't see myself scooping to her low level and step out. Also so God helps me through this lots of prayer first for yourself then for her and your kids, cause you know what they say what goes around comes around, maybe not you but your kids and that is my biggest fear. Be patient give her another chance but keep your eyes open and don't trust at all for a lil while, and if you sense any funny business then kick her to the curb, that's what I'm waiting for. Go see a councilor together that's helping me as well, I'll tell you man that's sucks feeling this way about someone you thought you can trust it feels like I have an oppresser in my house. I swear if I did not have kids I would of been gone already.

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Q: How husbands accept their wife after committing adultery?
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No, a man cannot commit adultery with his wife. In order to be adultery, it has to be with a woman other than your wife.

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Yes, You are still married even if your not living in the same house and apart. If you have not filed paperwork in the courts for Separation and or Divorce, then you are still committing adultery being with another person in a sexual nature of any kind.

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A:In the context of early Judaism, adultery had a rather different and narrower meaning to the term today. It meant sexual relations with another Jew's wife. A man could have sex with a single girl without committing adultery, or even take a second wife. There was also no prohibition against sex with a married woman outside of Judaism. Today, the term 'adultery' applies equally when a married man or a married woman has sex with someone who is not his or her spouse, and the seventh Commandment is considered to apply.

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A wife who sleeps with her brother-in-law is committing adultery if her husband is still alive and she is still married to him. What you might call her beyond that would depend on whether you react positively or negatively to her action and how strongly you do so.

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You have a reality check -- realize that by dating this man, he is committing adultery, punishable by law, and that he will most likely not leave his wife for you. Best advice, leave that volatile situation, you'll both eventually carry on.

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The husband is the father by law, because both were married at the time. You might win the battle on the adultery issue, but the effect on the child and your relationship will be far more costly. Consider the real value of this issue to your life and the ones you love.

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Absolutely not! If you did a legal adoption of the son then you are considered the legal father/guardian. If you divorce you will even have to pay childsupport. Good luck