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To have a good friend, i acted the same way as everybody in my class at school. Even boys would chase you if you did so. For crazy people you act crazy, For cool you act cool, for fashion lovers you talk about fashion with them the most, for funny you try looking up some jokes ... etc. In the end you will different types of friends running after you like a superstar!

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When someone adds you as a friend on Facebook, you have the option of accepting their friend request. When you send out a friend request, you are notified by Facebook if that request has been accepted.

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The only way to know if your friend request has been declined is to request to be their friend again. If it lets you re-request, then they denied your friend request.

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be your self dont be someone your not trust me iv been there

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A true best friend is someone you can trust and someone who treats you kindly and never lies to you. A best friend is someone you can depend on, someone who you can share your sad times with and your funny times with. A true best friend is someone you can tell anything to!

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The situation you describe could have a number of explanations. One often dreams about things or people that have been on one's mind. If the friend had been seriously ill or injured, and death was expected, the coincidence of the dream and the death would not be surprising. If "someone close to you" knew that your friend was ill and perhaps had been praying for that friend, it would be very natural to dream about that person.

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If you love someone and they are good to you then follow your own heart and not how your friend feels. It's not uncommon when best friends have been together a long time and one finds someone of the opposite sex to love because the friend left behind is jealous and fearful of losing that close best friend connection.

What would be black and ashy looking on someones lips?

That means someone's been smoking the herb my friend.....

How do you feel when you have a friend?

You feel good to have someone beside you. It is very sad if you don't. I've been through it.

How do you cancel a friend request on msn?

MSN have been replaced with Skype. When someone friend request you you will get a notice and a message from that user on the right side. From there you can choose to accept or not.

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a mutual friend is someone who is friends with someone on your contact list.

If someone says that you are not a friend then what are you considered as?

If someone says that you are not a friend, it means that you are not considered as their friend.