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well if he dumped you, then he won't mind, but if you dumped him, then he wouldn't feel too good about it.

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Q: How does your ex feel when he sees you with someone else?
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Yes, He might feel the same way. Better to find out, it never hurt.

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why, he is your ex right

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with talking to someone, even if you are in a relationship, talking does not constitute cheating. :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No, you shouldn't feel bad at all but you might want to be by yourself until you are over your ex..

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That is probably good - remember he is your ex for a reason.

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I think you should tell your ex how you feel, make it come from the heart though. Then, maybe he will reconsider going out with you. I think you should tell your ex how you feel, make it come from the heart though. Then, maybe he will reconsider going out with you.

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he feel threat that she will tell something wrong about him. he feel bad when he sees his ex. he became shy and uncomfortable in front of his ex.

What do you do when you meet your ex with someone and you haven't moved on?

You should either: Tell your ex how you feel and that you cannot really be friends if you still feel this way. or Force yourself to accept the fact that he is with somebody else and your not together any more and move on yourself when you feel it's the right time.

What do you do if you love ex and doesn't love you back and he is with someone else already?

forget him and find someone else