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By singing for the king who is holding her husband captive in exchange for "one wish" - her husband's freedom

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Q: How does the Queen the Faithful Wife free her husband from his imprisonment?
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How does the queen the faithfull wife free her husband from her imprisonment in theseus?

By singing for the king who is holding her husband captive in exchange for "one wish" ? her husband's freedom

Was Zeus a faithful husband?

No. He often cheated with other women, which greatly angered his wife, Hera.

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"Be faithful (to your husband/wife) and multiply" - probably.

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Nefertiti's husband was Akhenaten, the" Heretic Pharaoh.

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staying true to anyone your with&& not cheating or flirting with any other peopleThe word, faithful, in its simplest form refers to any loyal or steadfast following.For an example: "The wife was forever faithful to her husband because she loved him deeply."

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Because he is not in line for the throne.

What is the lesson of The Wife of bath's tale?

The true moral is that marriage is a partnership. The husband should work with the wife to give her what she wants. The knight, in giving this, also ends up with his own happiness in a beautiful and faithful wife.

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Yes. He is probably one of the few athletes who is faithful to his wife.

What are the release dates for A Faithful Wife - 1908?

A Faithful Wife - 1908 was released on: USA: March 1908

What is the homophone for queen?

Quean. Queen refers to female royalty. A queen may be the wife of the king when the king is the monarch or she may be the monarch herself. When she is the wife of the monarch, her husband is known as King. In the British system when she is the monarch her husband is known as Prince. Quean refers to a male homosexual.