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Dating before the divorce is final, as long as you have filed and you are living apart, is legal and okay. However, it is best to remain VERY discreet because narcissists are very possessive and can become angry and even violent if their"possession" moves on. If need be, be prepared to call 911 and/or get a restraining order if anything happens while you are dating. Also, if you have children, do your darndest to make sure they don't know about your dating because it will get back to your soon-to-be ex. Give him time to find a new target before you start flaunting your newfound freedom. And keep your doors locked, no matter what. Treat your narcissist as like a delicate time bomb that is very unpredictable. Do not give him the benefit of the doubt for ANYTHING. If he is truly a narcissist, he will do whatever it takes to hurt you and punish you for leaving the marriage, and will do things you never imagined he was capable of.

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Q: How does a narcissist who is divorcing his wife feel when she starts dating before the divorce is final?
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