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Q: How does a man feel when you reject friends with benefits?
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Would girls reject a man who watches cartoons all the time?

Well, not really, if the man was watching cartoons e.g. Hentai porn, they would feel sexually active towards him, and would definitely not reject him

How do you make Man want to go from just friends to relationship?

Flirt with him a bit then tell him how you feel

What does it mean when a man writes i don't want anything from you i only want you to stay close to me?

He probably means he wants to be good friends with you, just not with you in a relationship or to be 'friends with benefits' as such.

Why successful man has many friends?

Because people feel a successful man (or woman) can do more to help them. Also associating with a successful man/woman makes people feel like they look better in the eyes of other people. If you want to succeed make successful people your role models and do as they do, do not associate with failures as "By your friends shall you be known."

When man says he wants to be friends?

He's definitely saying "no commitments", and he could possibly be saying "no dating". "Friend with benefits" may be a possibility.

Are dogs good to your life?

Dog's are a man's best friends, of course they are, they are there to keep you company, so you never feel alone.

Why did a man get you interested in him and then reject you?

perhaps he has studied female logic and is trying it out

How does man benefits from wild plants?

Man benefits from wild plants by having fun

How does same-sex marriage affect family and friends?

Family and friends may not agree with the whole concept of a man/woman marrying being in a relationship with another man/woman. They may feel uncomfortable whenever they come visit or are seen hanging out.

When was Friends of Man created?

Friends of Man was created in 1916.

Why women reject men?

Because they think there is no man like them and they think they are awesome .

Feel like I lost my man hood because I lost a fight today I don't know what to do to solve this feeling do you?

Get some of your friends and ask them to have a party with you. It lifts your spirits and it will make you feel better. Works for me.