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you talk to them and tell them that you are annoyed by them

but if they still do then you 'd be better off with another friend orelse soon you'll find yourself swearing too

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Q: How do you you get a friend to stop cursing?
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just stop cursing or if u go to church ask your pastor

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Just don't curse.

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Talk to you sons friend or parents about it, this is not ok.

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Say, I would appreciate that if you stop. I know someone who wouldn't marry their now husband unless he stopped cursing and became a Christian. Tell him it's not cool. And if he doesn't stop, hes not good enough for you. he has no self control that shows.

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well it depends on what kind of cursing you mean. if you mean cursing as in bad words, well its not a good thing but people still do it so who cares.and if u mean cursing like hexes and black magic, well they probably are bad but i do them and i know a lot of people who do. either way cursing no matter how you mean it is bad..but that doesnt stop me or anyone else.

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Scout picked up her cursing habit from her brother, Jem, and their friend Dill. They were daring each other to curse, and she wanted to fit in and prove she was brave like them.

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yes ok and whoever wrote the oringinal message please stop that that is true but please be realistic about stop cursing like please and the public is not

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i stop my friend playing in the grass by telling him can you please stop playing in the grass.

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Can you get banned for cursing online?

Yes. Cursing while you are online can get you banned.

Is there cursing on Total Drama Action?

No there is no cursing although on an Episode of tdaa there were words that they beeped out