Well I have one at this age and all you do is ask a friend to ask him if he like likes you then I new what to do!!
funny you don't.....
If your eight and have a boyfriend, your probably a foreign male order slave in america.
You need to ask him out and he will say yes or no!
No, when you are 8 years old you should playing with barbies not dating.
If you are at the age of 8 or the age of 10 you should go and play on a playground instead of dating.
a school boyfriend is ok,but only ok.if you really like him,go ahead,but please,no matter what you do,NO DATING!!!!!!
No, because at age 8, you haven't even determined your sexuality yet, and, you're way to young to be in a relationship.
Around at 9 or 8 is exceptable, i think if you have a boyfriend at 7 you are a loser gl with your bf
No! I a child at the age of 8 isn't even through puberty more so to be ready for dating and having a boyfriend. I understand that technically a parent can't stop you. But you also wouldn't want your child experiencing such things at the ripe and tender age of 8. The child isn't even double digits for crying out loud!
That question is really up to your parents. Say, " What age do you think I will be until I get a boyfriend?"
The youngest age that I think is for a conpanion is 12. If your that age, than go get yourself a boyfriend!