Your love just doesn't stop because your girlfriend cheated on you and you are going to have to come to terms with it. Relationships are based on trust and loyalty and she has broken that very trust you expected from her. However, we are only mortals and can make mistakes and if she has realized she made a mistake and confessed to cheating on you then sit down and communicate and it would be worth giving her another chance. If you had to find out from someone else or you caught her then move on. She isn't worth it!
Why couldn't you trust one.
Trust her.
it means you do not trust your girlfriend.
there is very little you can do.... there is no quick fixes to lack of trust...the best thing i suggest is stay faithful and truthful to your girlfriend and she may learn to trust you again.
Trust is the key word
A girlfriend can trust her boyfriend by asking him if she can or be testing to see if she can. A girlfriend can set up some simple experiments by saying things that she already knows is true and then testing to see if her boyfriend is honest with her. Also, trust takes time and if the girlfriend has lost her trust in her boyfriend then he's got to get it back. Or he will be costing their relationship, big time.
then its not worth it
if she is a trustworthy person
No he does not he's single trust me!!
Yes, you got to trust your girlfriend that's what my boyfriend did he trust me because i have a friend next door And i will always hang out there it ok to let your girlfriend hang out will boys