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If your "friend" is ignoring you she must have a reason as she sees it, something has upset her. It is best not to say anything to her and let her deal with whatever her issue is and if/when she is ready to talk with you she will come around - if she does not she was not a real friend to begin with and it is not worth wasting your time or energy over. Spend time with your other friends and move on. Don't try to cause problems with her, let her be and move on. If she does try to talk with you, talk with her calmly and find out what it was that caused her behaviour and then you can explain yourself it really has anything to do with you or let her know that it doesn't - whichever it is be honest and polite - arguing never solves anything.

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Q: How do you tell your friend she is rude to ignore you?
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"I feel that you are being rude to me. Can you please stop it and do not do it to me?"

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Just tell it like it is. -------------------- * There really is no reason to be rude to anyone. If you dislike someone, simply avoid or ignore them. They will get the message eventually.

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Ask them what they are playing that and go from there when you consider if they are a friend or not! just ignore them and delete them or keep them and show them to their parents the next day but if you do that you could get beaten up by them so i say just ignore them and delete them