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It's a little late isn't it! You know better and you're basically immature and if you had lost feelings for your boyfriend then you should have broken up with him before seeing another guy. Face the music and be responsible for your own actions!

No matter how you tell him it's going hurt. Some guys (depending if it's the first time their girlfriend/wife had an affair) are willing to forgive and forget and help raise the child (they are few and far between though) and if he is one of these guys consider yourself lucky. However, it's only right you tell the baby's father it's his child (if you know for sure.)

Face the music!

theres no easy way to tell him this happen to me she told me she the baby was mine we got married. and 6 months in she told the cops i hit her. and they belived her cuz of my anger mangment class a use to take. i go to jail amd she gets her green card then i found out its not mine.

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From one girl to another girl idk how the hell your going to tell him. Are you sure it can't be his?

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Q: How do you tell your boyfriend that your pregnant with another guys baby but you dont know who that guy is?
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Should you stay with your boyfriend whom you are pregnant by even though he has a child with another woman?

Well dont you think its a lil late asking that question? I mean you shouldve known that before you got pregnant with his baby! If he didnt have enough balls to tell you he already has a baby then hes not responsible to have a baby.

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Your pregnant! Think of yourself right now. You ca't abort the baby, but your boyfriend will have another chance at collage. Get married quickly; make sure he stays with you. If he complains he is no boyfriend, and anyway, it is his fault! Get married and give birth! Forget collage right now, it can wait!

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you dont have to but it'd be easier to raise your kid

My boyfriend told me im pregnant and i dont know why he said it?

E = MC vagaina

Did Salonge have another baby?

Yeah first she was pregnant in the video "i need a solider" and then n...n...n... hell i dont kno go ask her

What is preginet?

pregnant? i dont know if this is what you mean, but if u dont know what it is you are probably a child. it is when two people [preferably a male and a female] get together and make a baby. when they make the baby, the woman is pregnant.

Why cant men get pregnant?

Because they dont have a uterus to hold a baby.

You are ten years old and you are pregnant you want to keep the baby but your boyfriend dont should i keep the baby?

At the age of ten, the health and well being of the baby should be up most in your mind. Secondly there is the matter of child abuse and wither the boyfriend committed rape or not. The baby should be put up for adoption and placed with a couple that could give that child the love and care the child will need.

The movie is about a baby almost born in Walmart or Kmart can you help me find the name?

There is a movie about a woman who was pregnant and her boyfriend abandoned her at Walmart. She lived there for a few months and had her baby there - if this is the one you are thinking of it's called "Where the Heart Is"

What do you do if your boyfriend got his ex pregnant?

Talk to him about the sitiuation , and if you stiull really want to the continue the relationship , you should see if he wants to also. and if so then you must that he has a responsibilitly to that baby , and dont get mad if he cant spend all his time with you

What should you do if you like your ex boyfriend dont like u and he thinks you are trouble and thinks you are stocking him?

Find another boyfriend.