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You have to be straight forward, honest and firm. Specifically tell them it is over, move on and leave you alone. If this does not work you are going to have to take it higher such as tell your parents or even if need be a restraining order. Sometimes people can get overwhelmed and obsessed which causes strange irratic behaviour and sometimes worse. Be careful and take all precautions if this person is harrassing you.

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16y ago
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14y ago

Are you being harrased by your ex. ? The chances are talking to him/her will make them worse but try it, if that doesn't work you need to seek some proffessional advice - you may be able to find some free legal aid for this.

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12y ago

Okay first, I would start by asking if she likes him and see what she says. Second, I would just tell her that it bothers you, or your not comfortable with them having a relationship. If that doesn't work, I would just remind her of what you had to go through with him and the reason why you guys broke up. Obviously I don't know the story so I don't know if that last step would work.

Sorry for the situation you are in.

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Q: How do you tell your best friend to stay away from your ex-boyfriend?
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you dont. just work out the kinks in your relationship and move on. that or tell them to stay the hell away from you.

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Move; pick different classes or activities; or get a job that takes up all your time.

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If the best friend has a relationship with the person, it is advisable to stay away because there's nothing worse than your best friend breaking a friendship because of complications you may have caused between your friend and his/her partner. If the person is sweet-talking you both and playing with both of your feelings then he is not worth it because he's just toying with both of your emotions and that's not right. If the relationship is still in the early stages still stay away and just be happy your friend has someone to love.

How do you get your exbestfriends boyfriend?

That really depends on how she became your ex-best friend. Because chances are she told her boyfriend all about you, and he knows to stay away from you.