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  • It is not up to you to tell the wife you are pregnant, but up to her husband to be a man and be there for you and to be sure and support the child. Often times the women allow the men to get away from their responsibilities. Sex is the motive for cheating; he got caught when you got pregnant and now he is responsible for his child and should tell his wife.


Wow! that s a big problem, I will be blunt to you and do accept my apology if you feel that I'm condoning you, because I will not. Your affair is already a bad one and yet you manage to conceived a child with your mistress. Were you planning to spend your life with your mistress that's why using protection is not your worry? Do you believe in bad Karma, how about " what goes around comes around?" I don't think people can help you with this one, if your intent was gong back to your wife, why did you have the affair and didn't use protection during sex.

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Q: How do you tell the wife about you're a pregnant mistress?
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What if a married man got his wife and his mistress pregnant at the same time how to deal with it?

Tell them both what you did and get delt with.

Why does a man tell mistress he has no freedom?

He wants to stay married to his wife and is using the mistress for extramarital sex purposes.

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Should the mistress tell the wife of the affair?

No, keep cheating and dont get caught.

Should a mistress tell husband is cheating?

Most mistress' do not tell the wife she is cheating with the wife's husband and the only reason for that would be to pour salt into an open wound. Mistress' are losers and will never be at the top of the list in any man's life. He may take her on vacation, dine out, go to the theater, etc., but he will generally go back to his wife or, if she finds out and they divorce the percentage is very low the husband will continue a relationship or marry his mistress.

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I takes 2 to tango. Forget the mistress and concern yourself with your marriage and why your husband is sleeping around.

What does it mean if a man cheated on his wife with mistress then cheats with you?

A man who has cheated on his wife with a mistress and then does it again with you, is a man who is motivated by lust, and who will never be sexually faithful to anyone. If he should ever tell you that he intends to leave his wife and marry you instead, don't believe him.

How do you confront the wife if you are the mistress?

If you are the mistress, you better be prepared to what you will tell her. Be prepared to answer all of her questions. And you also need to know that it might turn to a little fight. Now my question to you, why do you want to talk to the wife? Are you feeling guilty, or your married man doesn't want to see you anymore? The reality of affair is wife are the one that needs to say what she thinks, not the mistress. Now a day, mistress are the one that act like wife. Either she move on or be a pest towards the wife.

Tell me about a problem you had and how you resolved it?

My wife was pregnant. We had babies.

What happens after mistress tells wife?

I've been in this situation too, except it was with a boyfriend. I was his girlfriend at the time. My ex not only cheated on me but another girl as well. He kept TWO relationships hidden from both of us. We both dumped him and were very angry at HIM (now the other girl and I are friends). There are different situations: a) If the mistress knows he is married; b) The mistress has no idea that he is married; c) If the mistress knows that he is married then honestly she is stupid; because if you are the mistress and he is cheating on his wife, why wouldn't he do the same exact thing to you. b) If the mistress has NO idea that he was married and the wife finds out, she may confront the mistress or she may confront her husband. It depends of the wife. WOMEN ARE WORTH MORE THAN A CHEATING GUY; DONT STAY WITH THEM AND THINK THAT THEY ARE GOING TO CHANGE FOR YOU, THEY WON'T. THEY ONLY REALLY CARE ABOUT THEIR OWN NEEDS.

How does a wife feel if her husband use some of the things he did with his mistress in bed with you?

Firstly the wife knowing very well her husband has a mistress should not be having a sexual relationship with him and knowing full well he uses the same toys on the wife as the mistress is disrespectful and disgusting. The wife needs to get a spine and stand up to her husband and tell him he gives up the mistress and goes to marriage counseling or he packs his bags; gets out and the wife files for divorce. Considering what the husband is doing he isn't worth keeping anyway.

What if you crash your wife's car into your mistress car?

You will be in a lot of trouble with both the wife and the mistress, and possibly the police.