walk up to them, say i thought you should know, i hate you. its that easy.
there is no "nice" way to hate
considering u hate her, i guess ur free to say what ever, unless she thinks ur friends, then try to tell her nicely
Be quiet please Be quiet please
yes she does. every one has to hate someone or something. don't you hate someone? i know you do. because i know i hate somethings and some people. so here is something to think about. and i want you to think about something or someone you hate and tell someone. tell the first person you see when you walk away from this computer, but don't tell a stranger.
tell them you hate them and ignore them often and act as if they do not exist
tell them to get over you and date someone else.
tell someone about if and ask them if them can help you......
every time she texts you call her back, eventually shell get the idea
Hate them back.
You would tell them that you prefer their number and will call them as soon as you have a chance.
you say it very nicely and say keep trying you'll get there.