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well a good way to start would be to get to know that person first because if you get to know them they will either a) turn out to be a jerk and you will have saved your self an embaressing moment or b) like you too then give them a card on their birthday saying "hey i heard it was your birthday have a good one!" a home made card will be best they will think you where really sweet by rembering their birthday and get to know you better

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15y ago
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16y ago

start out easy become friends get to know him/her if you like them take them out to eat do fun activities like go Bowling,mall anything to get closer then if you really think this boy/girl likes you then ask them out you no a date then if you two love each other ask them to be your bf/gf

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12y ago

Do not tell someone you love them when you don't really. Love between two people isn't just holding hands in the park and telling them you love them. Don't make someone fall for you then when they do you change your mind. If you truly do love that person, act quick before you lose the chance to tell them.

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13y ago

It is not appropriate to tell someone who doesn't even know you that you love him. Meet this person if you can, but don't become a stalker if he doesn't want to meet you. Remember, he does not belong to you just because you love him, and he is still the owner of his own life, which he can live as he chooses! So, if you are able to meet him, then let him get to know you, and after the two of you know each other, then you can tell him that you love him if you so desire. Even then, there is no guarantee that he will love you in return. He may or may not, and if he doesn't love you, you can't force him to love you. You might have to find someone else to love, in that case.

Alternative answer: If this person doesn't even know you ask yourself how can you possibly truly love them? How can you really love someone who you don't even know? You can become infatuated by a stranger but infatuation is not love.

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13y ago

It's hard and it happened to me so just be yourself and flirt with him or her laugh at his or her jokes and just talk and get to know him or her better cause just trust me it happened to me and his friends told me he likes me so he always looks at me and stuff but he told me he likes his friend , to bad so if they don't like u move on , it's his or hers fault

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14y ago

First tell them that you like them a lot and see what they say. If they say they like you a lot. Then wait and see what happens for a while .

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14y ago

DONT. it s a bit weird.

just talk to them first.


Fantasise about them it will make everything all better

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Q: How do you tell someone you barely know you love them?
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How can you love someone's guts and you barely know them but you heard about them?

yes, love is tricky but if you think you love someone then noone can really tell you differently

How do you tell your boyfriend you love him but you barely know him and you just meant?

buy him a bacon sandwich

How do you let someone know you really love them?

Tell them

How can you tell someone you love him when you don't even talk to him?

first how do you know you love him if you don't talk to him? and does he know you love him?

How do you say i love you to someone?

Answer When you love someone enough, you will find a way to tell them. You will know when the time is right.

How do you know if someone is in love with you and who is that person?

AnswerYou can't know if they don't tell you or do things that show that they love you.

What do you do if you love someone who doesn't know who you are?

Either tell them or forget about it.

How can I know if someone is in love with me?

One way to know if someone is in love with you is if he or she pays extra attention to you. Another way to tell is if they look at you frequently.

What do you with someone that you are still in love with but you don't know if they love you?

Tell them how you feel. At least if you tell them it's off your chest.

What would you do if you were in love with someone and you didn't know what to do?

If you love him or her and they don't know tell them and if they don't you back then it's their loss.

What do i do if i really love him but he has a girlfriend?

tell him you love him but u know ur goin out wid someone

If you love a girl and you wnt to tell her i love you how will you tell her?

Say to her; I know someone who loves you over and over for a couple of weeks until you think she is ready to know and the say: Its me!