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just go up and tell them..if you are too shy for that then..flirt with them..

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Q: How do you tell someone if you dig them?
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How do you tell someone you miss them in Swedish?

"Jag saknar dig" meaning "I miss you" is one example :)

Can someone dig the undertaker up?

Am sure that they can dig up, but are they willing to.

To be set up by someone?

well if someone set you up, it means they don't dig you no more! they might of liked you at first but then realized that you aren't the one and are scared to tell you so be nice to all my hommes!!

How do you give someone a moat?

You dig and fill one for them

When will you find money on the ground?

when someone digs it in and you dig it out

What is To dig someone in the ribs?

I think its when you elbow them in the ribs

Why cant your Pokemon use dig and go underground please tell you a route or something that your Pokemon can use dig on?

Dig does not work on Routes. It only works in caves.

How do you make someone who likes you owe up?

Dig a hole and bury them up to their neck. Don't dig them out until they confess.

What does the expression dig your chillie mean?

having a crush on someone

When was the spade invented?

When someone wanted to dig into hard earth.

What do l tell my crush what I like the most about him?

Honsetly, it's not something someone can answer for you. You have to dig down in your heart. Write somethings down. Maybe he's cute or funny. It all depends on what you think of him.