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Wait till you know you are gay then tell them

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Q: How do you tell if your parents think you are gay?
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What should you tell your parents if you think you are gay?

Tell them that you think your gay. If you don't want to, don't. It's your sex/private life, you don't really have to share if you don't want to.

How do you tell your parents im gay GO?

It is up to you whether or not you want to tell them, and for what reason. If you think your parents are gay friendly then you may just want to ask questions about gays and see how they react before you actually say that you think you may be gay also. It may be that they suspect you are gay anyway and will just be relieved that you have told them so they are not left wondering about you.

How do you tell your dad your bisexual?

You grow a pair of balls and tell him pretty simple and think about how the actual all gay males have to tell their parents, yeah.

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I think I have asthma how do I tell my parents

Who are gay people most afraid of o tell they are gay?

Their parents mostly the father.

How do you know if your parents are gay?

The only way to know is for them to tell you.

Make a perfect exucuse to0 tell your parents you are not gay?

Not sure I understand you need a excuse to tell your parents you are not gay? Why a excuse? Just tell them you are not gay. Ppl usually have a hard time telling their parents theyare gay.or.... you could strike up a conversation between you about sexuality and over emphasize you are not gay ROWLO :out :) can say your are gay/lesbian and talk about why you are.. (:GO GAYS!!(im not gay tho,)LMAO! =D

What is a way for teen boys to tell their parents that they are gay?

Teen boys can tell their parents that they are gay by first choosing the right time to disclose this information, for example a time when neither they nor their parents are busy. The boys should explain their sexuality to their parents in a private place and be as honest as possible with their parents.

How do you tell your male classmate that you are gay but don't think he is gay?

Your smart (: you can figure it out

How can you tell when your lover has turn Gay?

Nobody can "turn" gay. It's impossible to change your sexual orientation. If you think he think he is gay, that means he was always gay.

What should you do if your parents think you are gay?

You don't need to do anything. If you are not gay, they'll figure it out eventually.

How do i tell my friend that her son is a gay?

You don't. This is not your business. But if you have a good relationship with the son, then you can encourage him to tell his parents.