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If he/she is your best friend, you should know. Because a best friend can tell you anything. ..IS what someone else wrote before I edited this. Anyway, I think these are more helpful. Also the words above ARE true, however, you can be pretty clueless sometimes.

The "symptoms" are..

-Ignoring you only,,Maybe when you start talking to him/her, she/he will start talking to someone else like you're invisible.

-Grunting/ rolling eyes when you can see her.. Means they are annoyed and you probably have to go soft.

-Being angry as in (Just dropping textbooks or something on the desk?? So it makes a loud noise or sitting roughly?? I'm sorry not good at this.)

-OR looking sad.

-She/he acts a little different. She/he might talk to you, but they might not act normal. That's... good, but you need to fix it. Don't ask why they are mad. That makes it WORSE, trust me. Go with a gift, or text, email, or call. Texting or leaving a message, voicemail will help because when you leave a text or voicemail, she/he will read it.

-At school.. or.. whereever you're at together with her/him, write a letter &give it to that friend. That almost always work.

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13y ago
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13y ago

There a 4 ways to tell

No. 1 when You're in a conversation with them, check to see if they look interested, they may be looking away from you a lot or cant look you in the eye.

No.2 ask them straight out, if they emmmediately say "Of Course Not!" be wary.

No.3 you can always tell what someone thinks of you by reading their facial expression in the first 5 seconds that they look at you.

No.4 Believe the best and always be nice to them and they will soon feel guilty( that's if they really do hate you.)


first, always take the benifit of the doubt. maybe they are going through hard times and they need your help or comfort. second, if they really hate you, they won't even talk or look at you because they are degusted. third, if you ask them if they are mad at you, and they casually say "naww, Im not mad at you" then they probably aren't, but if they quickly say "um no not at all im not mad why would you think that?" then there is a possible chance that they are. There are lots of ways to tell, sometimes it may be very hard to tell, and sometimes it may be really obivious. Just remember to stay calm and always take the benifit of the doubt at first, think of ways they can chear them up, do nice things to them, and remember, just because they may hate you, doesn't always mean you actually did something wrong. Maybe someone told a tale about you doing something to that person or maybe that person heard that you didn't like them anymore. If the person does truley hate you because you did something, and they just won't forgive you, its time to move on and make new friends, it will be hard, but sometimes you gotta do what 'cha gotta do.
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14y ago

You will know by the way they treat you or if they are avoiding/ignoring you.

They might talk to you, or give you silent treatment. They might gossip lots of things about you, or say bad things about you unusually.

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11y ago

Well , your best friend can never hate you , I mean , that is why you are best friends , otherwise you would have been enemies , right?

Another way to state this would be, how can you tell if the person whom you thought was your best friend actually is a friend. People can be judged by their actions. Someone may claim to love you, but you should still observe whether they are helpful or troublesome, whether they are supportive or undermine your efforts, and so forth.

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14y ago

They will not talk to you and they will talk bad about you behind your back!!

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