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You say, "Harry, you're like a brother to me." Then tell him why you feel that way.

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Q: How do you tell a friend he's like a brother to you?
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If he's ur best friend, he will understand when you ask him: "Do you like me., not as a friend, but possilby more? be honest" if he's such a good friend then he wont lie and tell u the truth.

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Yes!Hes Tryin To Get Your Attention :)

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The way he acts around you,Hes not afraid to tell his buddies about you. Hes Always with you and he Says"I Love You".Hes your friend he can tell you anything and everything.Its just EVERYTHING he does.

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Tell him how you feel, if he still says he won't date you, tell him to cut the crap. hes flirting because he wants to do "something" with you. Your probably young, so most guys at this point are really just trying to do "something", not date. And its probably pissing off your brother, so that might be a reason. My friends and I do it to our friend all the time.