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When I was younger, I really wanted a hedgehog. The first step is to research. A LOT. Learn everything you can. You should have a solution to every problem your parents could have with a hedgehog. If you have someone with Allergies to cats in your home, then know that people who are allergic to cats are very rarely allergic to hedgehogs. The second step is to either buy a hedgehog video or talk to a hedgehog owner with your parents. This will give them more information and give them a basic idea. Next, you should contact some breeders near you. Hedgehogs are not sold in Petco or Petsmart. Hedgehogs are also illegal in Alabama, California, Georgia, Hawaii and Utah. Here are some good points on hedgehogs: They can live in small apartments, unlike dogs and cats. They very rarely cause allergies. They don't need another hedgehog for company.

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14y ago

Yeah , that's a tough one... Try finding out all you can about the care and feeding, longevity, breeding issues, and health issues involved. And habitat requirements (space limitations can be a real hassle) such as cost per pound of food, cost of bedding, and the possibility of a "pet deposit" if you live in a rented home.

Then present your parents with all the finer aspects, focusing on how it will enrich your life and theirs.

Sincerely promising to "keep it clean" & "smelling tidy" is always a plus.

This method worked for me when I wanted a rabbit. Good luck!

P.s: PLEASE check out the related link below, hedgehog ownership is ILLEGAL in some states of The United States.

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How do you know where your hedgehog comes from?

If you have a pet hedgehog in the US, it likely is an African Pygmy hedgehog, as that is the only breed that can legally be kept as pets. However there are several other breeds in the wild.