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well if your in a group, make it a group disscusion, talk about somthing casual. but remember to give the girl you like more attention or else she might start to think that you are intereseted in one of her friends. so if your talking in a group to her friends put your arm around the girl you like but keep talking to her friends, its just a little way of saying you notice her. And also you want alone time with the girl you like to talk just you and her.

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14y ago

well it all depends on what kinda friends she has around her if they are nasty loud friends who dont care text her anybody who hears there phone will look at it an answer it but if there cool friends just talk about something that all her friends can comment on and will get a kick out of and laugh at and they'll think ur cool

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Q: How do you talk to a girl and her friends at the same time?
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