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To stop an abusive Father--Daughter relationship depends on the age of the daughter. If she is a child, you call HRS and keep calling. The only hope is to get hold of the idiot's boss there and get her out of that situation.

If she is a teen, she can take some steps herself. There are guidance councilors she can discuss her problems with, at least in the United States. There are steps she can take to escape from that relationship. She can follow legal steps.

If she is an adult, there are support groups. Many women have been abused by their fathers and are still being abused by their fathers. It does not end even if their fathers have died. Support groups with other women have helped a number of them get through this hell. Just because skin has grown over deep wounds does not mean the wounds have healed. The support groups can help in the healing process.

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Q: How do you stop abusive Father Daughter relationship?
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