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You can't steal someone away from her boyfriend; she'll be with whom she pleases, so there is not point in trying. If she sees you as just a friend, you should respect her decision on that, and let her relationship be.

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Q: How do you steal a girl away from her boyfriend when she thinks of you as just a friend?
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It's always tough when you feel forced to choose between a friend and your boyfriend. But I have to wonder why he and your boyfriend stopped talking. Could it be that your boyfriend is suspicious that his friend was trying to steal you away? If that's the case, maybe it would be better for you to stop talking to the friend. At least that's what I'd do to avoid trouble with my boyfriend.

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She probably did not intentionally steal him, he was most likely the culprit here in being more attracted to your friend than to you, hence it seems as though she 'stole' him. Although it was mainly your ex boyfriends fault, your friend is not completely . She decided that it was more important for her to go out with your boyfriend than to be your friend. A TRUE friend would NEVER do that. She felt the benefits of poaching him outweighed her friendship with you. Real love can't be stolen, but it can be taken away and given to someone else -- which is what your boyfriend chose to do with your friend. Walk away from both relationships and ignore their contacts to you, even when they break up. You're better off without either of them.

How do you make friend's boyfriend love you?

I agree if he is your friends boyfriend do not try to steal him away besides evidentally he has made his choice between the two of. Just a piece of advice you cannot ever make anyone love you. Love as they say come from the heart :)if he's your friends you shouldn't steal him from her. that's not nice and that will hurt your friend. it will probably kill ur friendship as well. no guy is worth that in a preteen relationship which is the category that your question is in.

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You Tell Your Friend That You Liked The Girl First And Then You Steal Her Away!!!

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If he trys to spend more time with her, will steal her away from you.

What should you do if your boyfriend's best friend makes advances on you?

Tell him to go away and remind him that a) you are already with someone and b) that person is his friend. If he still doesn't back off, walk away and let your boyfriend know.

What to do when you're falling for your best friend's boyfriend?

Do the right thing and stay away.

Your boyfriend says he loves you but he lives far away and you caught him cheating on you why is that?

He would do that because he thinks just because you are far away you wont catch him.

You like your friend's boyfriend who is also your ex boyfriend's best friend what do you do?

Whether the younger generation prefer to acknowledge it or not there is a code amongst women ... you do not go after their boyfriends or husbands. You should do nothing about your friend's boyfriend and respect your friend enough to walk away from it. If her boyfriend loved you then he would be with you. As far as being your ex boyfriend's best friend this has nothing to do with it. Do the right thing and move on because if you do not then you risk losing a good female friend.