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Well go up and don't be afraid to talk to him right after he got done with talking to whoever he is talking to. Then go up and start with small talk ask him how his day is going. If you are at school then you ask him how his day has been going at school. Who knows that one simple conversation might start something WAY WAY bigger than what you thought it would which could work in your advantage.

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Q: How do you start a conversation with a guy if someone else is always talking to him?
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What does initiate a conversation?

It means to start talking to someone.

How do you start conversation?

just start talking

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To start a conversation there always start with a greet and to maintain, someone has to share something about their own or knowledge their partner and to ending its because you have to leave or the conversation getting boring.

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always start a conversation then make to be friends after a while tell her you like her

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It's important to gauge their interest first before diving into explicit conversations. You can start by setting the mood with subtle compliments or playful innuendos and see how they respond before escalating the conversation. Remember to always respect their boundaries and be prepared to shift the topic if they seem uncomfortable.

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Just talk to her. If you have a hard time starting a conversation with a girl start talking to someone around her. Then just ask her out

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Same thing happened to me. If the person you like has Facebook, start talking to them there. Then next time you see the person, you will have something to talk about. If you start talking first, then you have done your part and should wait for the other person to start a conversation. However, if you are getting impatient, go and start the conversation. Just imagine it like you are talking to your best friend. And who knows, something may work if you start talking. All you have to do is say Hi.

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To start conversation with a single-eyed person, first get to where he is seated, grasp his attention, and then engage him in a conversation.

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One way to start the conversation is to ask how he is doing. You could also ask him how his day was and what he will be doing tomorrow.

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just start by talking about something they said on the text and see if it grows into a conversation

How do you start a conversation when talking to your girlfriend online?

Say hi to her and ask her "how was your day" or "how are you".

How do you start a conversation with a boy that always stares at you?

Stare back.