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Q: How do you say serene in French?
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What is the French word for Serene?

serene is translated serein, sereine in French

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"SAS" in SAS Prince Albert stands for "Société des Bains de Mer et du Cercle des Étrangers à Monaco," which translates to "The Society of the Sea Baths and the Circle of Foreigners in Monaco." It refers to the prestigious organization that operates the Prince Albert hotels and resorts in Monaco.

What is another way to say calm?

Reserved, tranquil, mellow, introverted, serene

What is the greek word for serene?

The Greek word for serene is galinios. The Italian word for serene is sereno. The Spanish word for serene is sereno.

How do you make a sentence with serene?

She was completely serene.

What is your Serene Highness in french?

Hi: That would be: Votre Altesse Serenissime (with two accents aigus), this is for both: male & female

What is a french phrase meaning beautiful and serene?

I don't know what serene is in french but I know that beautiful in frnech is belle. French has femine and masculine and belle is femine. Handsome in french is beau. Here are the pronounciations: belle is pronounced bell the last e is silent beau is pronounced bo an au in french make an O Hope that helped if you need help with more french stuff leave a mesage on my board (not that I'm an expert I just took french before)! Signed, ~Ivyzanna (Ivy for short)~

How do you use the word serene on a sentence?

The swan was serene as she swam. The serene setting reminded me of our vacation at the beach.

Is there a saint called Serene?

There is no saint named Serene.

What is the analogy for serene?

Serene is to peaceful as stormy is to turbulent.

Does serene have a connotation that evokes calm?

Yes, the word serene evokes calm because of its meaning. Serene means peaceful, quiet, tranquil, cool, easy and content. Serene is an adjective.

How do you use serene as the last word in a sentence?

One way to use "serene" as the last word in a sentence is: "Despite the chaos around her, she remained calm and serene."