Some people don't like the carbonation. And flat beer still has alcohol in it.
The Arabic language is a beautiful one. I would love to visit the Arabic countries.
God in Arabic is commonly referred to as "Allah" (الله).
To say "dessert" in Arabic, one would say "halwaa" which is spelled in the Arabic alphabet as حلوى.
To say "handsome" in Arabic, one would use the word جميل (jamiil).
ماذا تريد أن تأكل Is how to ask some one what they would like to eat is Arabic.
To translate the name George using the Arabic alphabet, one would write جورج.
Beer alone would not make you fat unless you drank gallons of it. Three pints of beer are roughly the same calories as one bar of Chocolate!
One hundred and ninety two in Hindu Arabic numerals would be 192 and in Roman numerals it would be CXCII
The pronouncation of words differ, but a person who speaks one of them fluently would understand the other one clearly.
Eu gostaria de uma cerveja fria! is a Portuguese equivalent of the English phase "I would like a cold beer!" The declaration also translates literally as "I'd like one cold beer!" in English. The pronunciation will be "EY-oo GO-stuh-REE-uh DJYOO-muh ser-VEY-zhuh FREE-uh" in Cariocan Brazilian and in continental Portuguese.