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yes. but only with consistency and determination. you must have the love of

God within you to begin the healing process or else old, hard, bitter feelings will keep rehashing. do you love the person? is this a one time affair? love will always find a way because only it knows and understands what trails and tribulations are all about. you both will need each other and counseling from God and from man won't hurt either. also lots or good sex and constant kissing(deep kissing) works.

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13y ago
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13y ago

I am about to complete the 2nd year of pain after I found out about my husband's many infidelities. I haven't been able to get past the pain. I am actively trying & I talk with a therapist. It seems some days are better than others. The main obstacle is learning how to trust again.

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13y ago

My heart goes out to you. That's a sad situation to be in for anyone. On top of that, the affair now raises issue of trust. If your aim is truly to save your marriage, my humblest suggestion would be to seek professional marriage counseling help right away. By the sounds of it, things aren't getting better over time. Just remember, the toughest part is making the call.

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12y ago

This is a very tough question and depends on, how much you love your spouse, how strong you are and how easy it is for you to forgive.

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yes if you both want it to. You both have to forgive and forget in order to take back your marriage

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12y ago

It's not if u wanted a marriage u shouldn't hav had an affair sorry

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Q: How do you save a failing marriage especially after spouse affair?
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After your spouse affair is there any help to save your marriage?

When a spouse has had an affair and broken that bond of trust it is difficult to earn back. Going to marriage counseling may help the situation and explain to the spouse that marriage counseling is not about blaming one of the spouses, but giving them tools to learn to communicate in their marriage and know how to rectify any future problems in their marriage. Many couples may have experienced one spouse having an affair and it is not uncommon for both couples to have an affair, but, they do manage to save their marriage. It is entirely up to the couple.

How do you know if your marriage will survive after your spouse affair?

You don't. You have to make an educated guess based on your knowledge of your spouse's personality.

Is affair a wake up call or a death knell for a marriage?

Often it is a wake up call that something is missing your marriage either by your spouse; yourself or both of you. Marriage takes hard work and some marriages end up with one; both spouses having affairs and if they truly love each other marriage counseling does help and since both of you took your marriage vows you need to realize people are just human and if this is a first affair then the marriage is still worth saving. However, if the spouse continues to have affairs then it is the death of the marriage.

How do you repair a marriage after an affair?

How? it will be very hard because the trust between man and his wife was broken. There are some couple that end up divorce because their life isn't the same anymore. And some will take very long time because the betrayed spouse will be afraid and wonder what if? could it? husband might do it again. It will be hard for the betrayed spouse to trust again especially if the guilty spouse was emotionally connected with his ex mistress. Repairing your marriage after the affair might happen but it will take you a long time.

How do you repair marriage after an affair?

How? it will be very hard because the trust between man and his wife was broken. There are some couple that end up divorce because their life isn't the same anymore. And some will take very long time because the betrayed spouse will be afraid and wonder what if? could it? husband might do it again. It will be hard for the betrayed spouse to trust again especially if the guilty spouse was emotionally connected with his ex mistress. Repairing your marriage after the affair might happen but it will take you a long time.

Will marriage counseling work if a spouse had an affair?

Yes if you really want your relationship to work and listen to the advice you are given.

Will your marriage ever be the same after your spouse affair?

People are only human and make mistakes so if this is the first time your spouse has cheated on you and they are willing to go to marriage counseling to learn tools to deal with problems in the marriage then yes, there are marriages that survive an affair and end up being stronger for it.

What are the odds of saving your marriage?

If the spouse does not constantly cheat and made one mistake by having an affair then talking it out in a calm manner and facing how you both can improve upon the marriage may save the marriage or, you both could go to marriage counseling to learn tools to deal with every day life's stresses. If the spouse is constantly cheating; may be on drugs or abuses alcohol or is constantly verbally or physically harmful to their spouse it is best to move on. There is a good rate of successful marriages if one spouse has only had one affair if the couple decide to make it work. 'To err is human.'

What is the use of rebuilding your marriage after your spouse affair if he can't do what he promised to you?

It takes two to make a marriage successful and no marriage is 100% perfect and if your spouse has not kept their promise after the affair and continues to keep up the affair; start a new one or refuses to seek marriage counseling or whatever you promised each other then you will have to come full circle and realize that you cannot control someone else and what they say and do and you have the control to stop enabling your spouse's behavior by at least getting a separation which will show him you mean business and with luck he may change and if not, then consider yourself lucky and consider divorce and realize there is life after marriage and you can make a life for yourself with someone else.

What is the real danger of your spouse emotional affair?

The real danger of a spouse's emotional affair is that often the spouse emotionally cheating does not feel they can come to their married spouse and talk out any problems and there is a huge void of good communication skills. Everyone has marriage problems and the two people in the marriage should be mature enough to discuss anything they are not happy about so they can strengthen their marriage and if this doesn't happen then one of the spouses will often go to the opposite sex to get their slant on the problem at hand and emotions run high and this can lead to a sexual relationship.

I had a cyber affair. Now its over my husband stopped calling me. Why?

Having an affair can be emotionally devastating for one's spouse. So, it is not surprising that a person's spouse would ignore them after they learned of an affair. To make a marriage work following infidelity, both parties need to be willing to work it out, and they should likely attend couple's therapy.

Does an infidelity in marriage automatically mean the end?

If a spouse has only one extramarital affair then it does not mean the end of a marriage, but only that the marriage is in trouble and most of it is caused by lack of communication so each spouse knows how the other feels. Sometimes spouses are married so long that the magic has gone out of their marriage and they may need to get away together on a bit of a romantic holiday even if it is just a weekend away at something you both enjoy. If a spouse is constantly having affairs then yes, it is probably the end of the marriage because the spouse cannot commit to one person and has a disregard for their spouse. Marriage counseling is another good way to learn tools to save the marriage, but often the male spouse is not open to airing out his marriage problems with a counselor.